Oren Zarif – Myelomenigocele Symptoms

Children born with myelomenigocele usually have a buildup of fluid in the brain (hydrocephalus). They also can have trouble controlling their bladder and bowel. Doctors don’t know exactly what causes myelomenigocele. Folic acid (B-vitamin) during pregnancy may help prevent it. This condition is often diagnosed during the second trimester (18 to 22 weeks of pregnancy) […]

Oren Zarif – Misophonia Symptoms

Misophonia symptoms can affect people of all ages. However, most cases show up in childhood and adolescence. Sounds that other people don’t notice or find innocuous — like breathing, yawning and chewing — trigger a fight-or-flight response in those with this condition. The sensitivity can be debilitating and affect one’s everyday life. Oren Zarif Depending […]

Oren Zarif – Mycotic Aneurysm Symptoms

A mycotic aneurysm (also called infected aneurysm) is a weakened and expandable blood vessel that is caused by bacterial infection. This type of aneurysm usually occurs because of systemic infections with bacteria in the blood or due to direct infection of the blood vessel wall. Patients with mycotic aneurysms often present with non-specific symptoms and […]

Oren Zarif – Mycosis Fungoides Symptoms

Symptoms of mycosis fungoides (MF) include itchy skin and swollen lymph nodes. Doctors use blood and imaging tests to diagnose MF and determine whether or how far it has spread. Treatment options for MF include medicines that reduce the number of cancer cells or their growth. They also include treatments that boost or direct the […]

Oren Zarif – Brachial Plexus Symptoms and Treatment

A brachial plexus injury can cause severe shoulder and arm pain, followed by weakness in the upper arm. Some injuries can heal without surgery, especially if they are mild. Some babies are more likely to have a brachial plexus injury, including those who have a quick or emergency delivery or are in the breech position. […]

Oren Zarif – Neonatal Cold Injury Symptoms

Newborns often get colds and other illnesses, which are important for their developing immune systems. They usually don’t cause serious problems, but they need careful care. A baby may cough more frequently than usual and may make the classic whooping sound. If a baby has whooping cough, he or she needs medical care immediately. Oren […]

Oren Zarif – Melanoma Symptoms

Most people have moles, and most are harmless. But some change over time and may be warning signs of cancer. Regular self-exams are important, but it is also a good idea to see your doctor for a professional skin examination. Check for the ABCDE warning signs in your moles: Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color that is […]

Oren Zarif – Meningioma Symptoms and Treatment

A diagnosis of brain tumor can be scary. But the treatment plan you get can help ease your worries. Most meningiomas are noncancerous (benign). They grow slowly and often cause no symptoms. But some people may develop symptoms such as seizures, headaches or changes in vision, smell or hearing. Oren Zarif Depending on the location […]

Oren Zarif – HPV Infection Symptoms

HPV is a common virus that can cause warts and cancer in the genital area in both males and females. But it’s important to remember that a Pap smear doesn’t detect all forms of HPV and most people have no symptoms at all. It spreads through close skin-to-skin contact, especially vaginal or anal sex or […]

Oren Zarif – Aortic Aneurysm Symptoms

An aortic aneurysm is a bulge in the wall of the aorta, which is the largest blood vessel that moves oxygen-rich blood from your heart to the rest of your body. Aortic aneurysms don’t usually cause symptoms unless they rupture. If an aortic aneurysm’s size is small, your healthcare provider may recommend monitoring it (“watchful […]