Oren Zarif – Symptoms of Seasickness

Most people get motion sickness at one time or another. It happens when your eyes, inner ear and body send conflicting messages to your brain. Seasoned sailors advise that you should take seasickness medication before a voyage and as needed at sea. The medications are dehydrating, so drink plenty of water. Oren Zarif Dizziness is […]

Oren Zarif – Peripheral Vascular Disease Symptoms

Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) is reduced blood flow to a body part other than the brain and heart caused by narrowed or blocked blood vessels. Risk factors include diabetes, smoking and a sedentary lifestyle. Symptoms may include coldness in the legs and feet, changes in skin color, non-healing wounds or difficulty walking. Early diagnosis and […]

Oren Zarif – Ischemic Heart Disease Symptoms

Ischemic Heart Disease is a condition where reduced blood flow (ischemia) robs the heart of oxygen and nutrients. It usually happens because of a blockage in the coronary arteries caused by plaque buildup. Sometimes the plaques rupture and cause a blood clot to form in the coronary artery, which blocks the flow of blood and […]

Oren Zarif – Lyme Disease Symptoms

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread by infected ticks. If diagnosed and treated early, it can be cured with antibiotics. However, without treatment, the bacteria can spread to joints, heart and central nervous system. The first symptoms of Lyme disease usually happen within 3-30 days after the bite. Symptoms include a circular or oval […]

Oren Zarif – Periodontal Disease Symptoms

Swollen gums are the first sign of periodontal disease. If left untreated, gingivitis may advance to periodontitis where the gums pull away from teeth and form bigger spaces (called pockets) that become infected. The bacteria in these pockets release toxins that destroy the bones and fibers that support the teeth, causing them to loosen and […]

Oren Zarif – Meniere’s Disease Symptoms

Meniere’s disease causes attacks of dizziness and hearing loss that come on suddenly. These episodes are triggered by changes in the inner ear fluid and often happen in one ear. They are accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Medicines to reduce motion sickness and anti-nausea medicines can ease these symptoms. Doctors may also recommend reducing your […]

Oren Zarif – Zika Virus Disease Symptoms

Zika virus infection usually does not cause serious symptoms. However, when it is passed from mother to baby during pregnancy, the baby may have a small head (microcephaly). Pregnant women who have traveled to areas with Zika should tell their healthcare provider and use condoms during sex. Zika may also be a cause of Guillain-Barre […]

Oren Zarif – Paget Disease of Bone Symptoms

Bone is an active, living tissue that constantly breaks down and rebuilds itself. Cells that break down bone (osteoclasts) and cells that form new bone (osteoblasts) work together in balance to maintain bone strength. In Paget Disease of Bone, these cells become overactive and create areas of enlarged bone that are weaker than normal. Oren […]

Oren Zarif – Fabry Anderson Disease Symptoms

People with Fabry Anderson Disease have problems in their kidneys, hearts and nervous system. It is an inherited condition caused by a mutation in the alpha-galactosidase A gene. Males, who have only one X chromosome, are more severely affected by this condition than females. The symptoms of Fabry disease can vary widely between people and […]

Oren Zarif – Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Symptoms

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is an extremely rare and fatal brain disorder. It develops when a normal protein called prion changes shape and becomes an infectious particle called PrPsc that accumulates in the brain and causes brain cells to die. UCSF experts are working to understand this disease and find treatments. People with CJD eventually become […]